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Full Circle Yoga & Healing Arts
Video Classes

Yoga, Meditation, and Healing Arts,
from wherever you are.
Get convenient, affordable access to live recordings of actual classes, workshops, and trainings taught by me, right here at Full Circle. My workshops are intended for all audiences whether you are looking to learn the basics, enrich your personal practice, or to gain knowledge while earning CEUs for a professional organization.
With your rent or purchase option I provide you with the same learning materials we use in class (called "Extras") so you can expect an enriching learning experience with a significant savings.
Browse for a topic, read the description, check for "Extras" to print out before viewing, then dive on in. New offerings will be posted here as they come available. EnJOY!
Balance & Stability Workshop (90 min.)
Your Core & the Pelvic Floor Workshop (90 min.)
Core & Pelvic Floor Exercises (30 min.)

Meditation Teacher Training for Yoga Teachers & Experienced Meditators
5 hrs, 6 videos + handbook + mentoring

Healing Arts
Reiki level 1 (2.5 hrs)
Energy Management Skills Workshop (90 mins.)
Qigong Exercises for Health & Wellbeing (25 min) with Bonus content: "Joyful Movement"

Try a free 4 minute "Joyful Movement" video from "Qigong Exercises for Health & Wellbeing."
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