Full Circle Yoga & Healing Arts

Yoga Studies, Yoga Teacher Training,
& Continuing Education
Courses to fit your needs, your schedule, and your budget.

"Learning Yoga is an act of love to yourself, and sharing Yoga is showing compassion toward another person, but teaching Yoga is an act of compassion toward humanity."
~Kristen Fewel
Yoga Studies
Yoga Studies are the same courses offered to Yoga Teacher trainees for personal enrichment and education of the yoga arts. FULL CIRCLE YOGA is a place to learn, heal, and grow at your own pace, and to receive mentorship on your path toward developing your practice, knowledge, and confidence.
Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider Courses (YACEP)
We offer certified yoga teachers continuing education in a variety of yogic disciplines. All workshops offered through Full Circle Yoga within the scope of yoga and meditation are YACEP approved. Certificates of completion are provided upon request.
Our teachers are registered with Yoga Alliance (YA) and are approved to give YA credit (YACEP) to YA registered yoga teachers.
Yoga Training Foundations Course
Due to what we feel is an erroneous 200 hour benchmark required by the Yoga Alliance (YA), in addition to dwindling requests for in-person yoga training, we discontinued our yoga school registration with the YA in 2020 after 10 years of membership. However, we continue to deliver their curriculum standards, and EXCEED their standards in both ethics and mentorship. We do not feel that Yoga Alliance, which is not a certifying organization, has any bearing on whether a yoga student makes a good teacher: good teaching and supportive learning environments do.
We believe strongly that mentorship and practice hours of actual teaching with the supervision of an experienced yoga teacher is what helps new teachers become effective teachers. We have a network of mentors in the OC/LA areas that are happy to mentor with our students, exceeding the expectations of most organizations who hire yoga teachers. Our mission is to help every serious student who wants to teach yoga be competent and confident in doing so.
Our program is suitable for newer students looking to understand a greater depth of Yoga AND experienced practitioners who wish to become teachers of yoga and meditation. We emphasize a gentle, adaptable, and appropriate practice of asana (posture), pranayama (breathwork), and meditation. Kristen Fewel, the Lead Trainer, and guest teachers are highly trained and well experienced in teaching to a wide range of learners.
The modular courses listed below may be taken a la carte or consecutively which will prepare even the most beginning student to have a personal practice and a confident voice for sharing Yoga with family, friends, taking on private students, or teaching in small groups.
If you are considering a Yoga Studies or Yoga Teacher Training program in the Orange County, CA area, give us a call.
The goals of our program are to:
~ define and understand the purpose and practice of Yoga in a modern world
~ establish and deepen a healthy, balanced lifestyle
~ develop a safe and appropriate practice
~ acquire the knowledge and skills to sequence a safe and appropriate practice for a small group or an individual
~ develop confidence to appropriately share the practice with others
~ acquire assessment skills of posture and breath to safely and effectively teach an individual, including those with special conditions or limited mobility.
~ develop and adapt a practice for a small group or individual based on their needs
~ establish and refine your leadership in guiding classes in asana, pranayama, mindfulness, and meditation.
Total program cost: $3,300. Modules are priced individually. The last module is optional for those who wish to receive certification ($3,000 for those who do not wish to receive certification.)
Dynamic Yoga Anatomy
Sat/Sun 10:30am-5pm, Dates: TBA
Cost: $600
No prerequisite.
Kristen Fewel has been teaching anatomy for yoga teacher trainings for 20 years, and Breath-centered yoga is the focus of her practice and teaching. Yoga is not all muscles and bones, folks! Dynamic Yoga Anatomy will have asana study, but with a focus on pranayama and its connection to the health of the body.
Class Topics:
The Breathing Cycle & Respiratory Anatomy
Integral Respiration & Cellular Breath
Respiratory Pathology
Posture & Breath Assessment in Asana
This course satisfies the requirements for Anatomy in Yoga Teacher Training, or as individual workshops (a la carte). For enrollment in one class, the cost is $125. Please RSVP by email.
History, Philosophy, and the Yoga Lifestyle
Sat/Sun 10:30am-5pm, Dates: TBA
Cost: $600
No prerequisite.
Understand more of what you read and hear about in yoga classes, journals, and workshops. We will study the philosophy of yoga that underlies a dedicated, progressive yoga practice that is adaptive to your needs. We will trace the yoga family tree from the yoga masters of India to modern influences and teachers in America. Each class will include a guided asana practice, breathwork, and meditation.
This course satisfies the requirements for Yoga Philosophy in Yoga Teacher Training, or as individual workshops (a la carte). To attend one class, the cost is $125. Please RSVP by email.
Developing Effective Sequences for Asana and Meditation
Sat/Sun 10:30am-5pm, Dates: TBA
Cost: $600
Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of 2 prior modules or are a certified yoga teacher already.
Covers sequencing, teaching techniques, verbal cueing, Sanskrit and anatomical terminology, meditation, and teaching technique. Weekly workshops include special populations such as kids, seniors, prenatal, student teaching, and giving and receiving feedback.
This module prepares you to teach a yoga class that includes the three pillars of a well-rounded practice: pranayama, asana, and meditation. This class will teach you how to design and teach an engaging, appropriate asana sequence for your peers. You will refine your cuing, practice the Sanskrit names of common poses and their English equivalent with directional terms to transform language into a safe and meaningful yoga experience for others. This module includes a 75 minute practice and a minimum of 2 hours designing and practice teaching sequences in each class.
The completion of the Yoga Studies program contains 200 hours of Yoga Alliance approved standards, but we feel more teaching and mentorship helps aspiring teachers to hone their professional voice and craft in the art of Yoga. Therefore, an additional 5 hours of mentorship through observation and/or co-teaching is recommended for those who desire to teach.
Ethics & The Student-Teacher Relationship
Sat/Sun 10am-5pm, Dates: TBA
Cost: $600
Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of 2 prior modules or are a certified yoga teacher already.
The theme of this class is ethical behavior and professionalism within the teacher-student relationship. Using the blueprint of Patajali's yamas and niyamas (behavioral restraints and observances) we discuss solutions to real-life ethical dilemmas that may be encountered in studio environments, between teachers and students, and the importance of professionalism and respect to all students. We will screen the documentary Kumare which documents a modern-day guru imposter and the importance of establishing your own truth through meditation. This module also includes a 75 minute practice in each class.
Teaching Practicum
Flexible dates/times for observation and co-teaching.
Cost: $300. Payment may be made in person upon acceptance.
Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of at least three modules or for certified yoga teachers. May be taken concurrently with module four.
10 contact hours, 5 non-contact hours
YACEP for Certified Yoga Teachers: Certificate of completion provided on request. Mentorship hours may apply for student enrichment or YACEP credit.
This module prepares a student for becoming a teacher through mentorship. Mentorship is essential for acquiring valuable teaching experience in real class settings. This module helps students practice what they have learned in other modules with the supervision, guidance, and valuable feedback from the lead teacher or another experienced yoga teacher of your choosing. Log sheets and evaluation forms will be provided.

Endeavoring to choose a yoga teacher and a program that fits your needs is an important one. My philosophy has always been that students need to take care of their health and their family, and that your training would mold around those priorities. If you would like to study with me, and have any questions about how to fit the training into your life, there is always a way to make it work. I welcome your inquiry.
<3 Kristen