Full Circle Yoga & Healing Arts
Photo credit: Courtney Davila and Andre Delfin Photography
Full Circle Yoga & Healing Arts is an independent studio located in north Orange County, CA founded in 2010 by Kristen & Jeff Fewel. Our mission is to support your healing journey through meaningful connections in a gentle, nurturing environment. If it’s time for you to come full circle in your healing journey, call on us.
Transformative Yoga, Breathwork, Meditation, & Healing Arts,
for beginners and beyond!​ ​
Call for a free consultation to find out how we can help you. ​​​​​​​​​​
Yoga lessons/Yoga Therapy
Reiki Energywork
Small Group Classes
Video Classes
in Yoga, Meditation, & Healing Arts
2025 Workshops with Kristen​​​​​
"Balance & Stability: A Dynamic Yoga Anatomy workshop"
Sat. Mar. 8, 2025 2:30-4:30pm, $88
JUST ADDED! Mindfulness & Meditation Retreat
Sun. Mar. 23rd, 1-4:30 pm, $88
"Breath for Health: Vital Self-Care Practices"
Sat. Apr. 12, 2025 2:30-4:30pm, $88​​​​​​​
Hello! Kristen here.
If you are looking for an unforgettable learning experience, or a unique way to appreciate, motivate, or celebrate, let's talk!
I adapt all of my workshops for anyone, regardless of age or ability. Here's a few of the classes and workshops I can offer your group this year:
"Breath for Health: Vital Self-Care Practices
Learn about the intricacies of the breath cycle while practicing easy-to-follow techniques to increase vital lung capacity, focus the mind, and balance energy.
Yoga Anatomy Workshops:
"Balance & Stability" / "Your Core & the Pelvic Floor"
Fun, experiential workshops using aspects of physical therapy and yoga, complete with illustrated handouts and models!
"Energy Management Skills: Tools for the Spiritual Empath"
Combat compassion fatigue and say good-bye to "energy-suckers" with a special set of
energywork tools to help you stay grounded as your intuition grows to become
a valuable interpersonal skill you can rely on.
Zen Circle Painting
Allow yourself to be guided in centering practices and instruction in zen painting. With a single stroke of the brush and a single breath, we will paint the enso - a Zen circle - reflecting our state of mind and opening a window to the subconscious.
Sign up for our newsletter to be notified of
new classes, workshops, and events. ​
Visit us...
Full Circle Yoga and Dr. Joe DeStefano, L.Ac, DAOM of Yorba Hills Acupuncture & Herbs is conveniently located on the ground floor in the courtyard of the Villa Yorba Center near the corner of Imperial Hwy.